Go Chasing Waterfalls Adventures
A day's worth or just an hour. You chose, the options are practically limitless. The three main attractions are scattered throughout the forest. Every hike has it's own majestic beauty.

forest Immersion Hikes
Experience the Forest as it was intended. Total peace and isolation within a 5 mile walk from several locations all over the National Forest. The opportunity to completely immersed in it all for free just awaits your decision.

Explore HidDen Boulder CLusters
There are two giant boulder parks in the National Forest. Rimrock Overlook and the Jake's Rocks.
What many fail to realize is that there are many more hidden within ANF boundaries and we can take you there.
Feel free to reach out for details on Our next Adventures
We are excited to announce that we have been graciously asked to collaborate with Alleghany Outfitters in Warren, PA.
Which means that we’ll be hosting hikes twice a month on a regular basis going forward. One easy hike for those looking to get into hiking and one more advanced hike.
We’ll also be continuing our current mission and objectives explained on our Who We Are page.
Check out our Facebook Group too for the latest updates.
ANF Hikes and Adventures, Hiking n Exploring the Allegheny National Forest