Day 1 Hike – Wow, What a day!
There were 18 of us that met on the lower Tracy Ridge Trailhead.
What a great bunch of hikers. It was heartening listening to how far a few folks had traveled to get to the hike!! That whole thing… brings such an intense feeling of good fortune that all of this is literally right in my backyard.
And hopefully that’s why you’re here. My passion for promoting responsible access to the National Forest.
Enough mushy stuff.
We couldn’t have had a better day to hike. When we started the roads were still covered in ice to the North. That was exciting after cup two of Positive Energy.
A fresh layer of cold, frozen snow covered everything. It was cold but it was worth it. It’s hard to explain the rest of the day. Everyone was in awe of what we were witnessing…
Pics below.
It’s been an interesting week. 30 miles, 10 today, lowest weight since high school, and probably more fit. Haha
I feel so blessed for the people that come and go in my life. That sounds odd, but impermanence is the only guarantee in life. So appreciate the brief moments you spend with people. You may learn something you’ll never forget. And help appreciate what you have, regardless of how little. some have none.
In honor of 2019 – I would also like to impress that Jen Raines and Chris Cotter, two people who don’t give my existence a second thought, brought me to a place inside that I am forever grateful.
Happy New Year!!